Welcome to

The Pro Shop

where doing it yourself means doing it like the pros



Here’s your one-stop shop for you and your team to grow your confidence AND your bottom line. From public relations and social media, to event planning and branding, we’ve got the exact tools we’ve used to make our clients’ brands soar!


The Public Relations Bundle

Pitch your business like a pro with our public relations bundle. Tools and templates that the professionals use to create a rock-solid public relations plan.

Our public relations bundle includes:

  • Media Pitch Best Practices Guide and Example Pitches
  • Media List Template
  • Strategies Roadmap
  • PR Plan Template
  • Target Audience Role and Messaging Template



The Event Planning Playbook

Need help planning your next big event? Our event planning playbook will give you the tools pros use to plan and execute a flawless event.

Our event planning playbook includes:

  • Event Planning Checklist
  • Playbook
  • Run of Show Template



July 2024 - January 2026 Public Relations Pitching Calendar

For PR to be effective, you need time to plan and be strategic in your approach! Our media pitching calendar maps out 18 months of topics, important dates, holidays, campaign targets and more including pitching lead times for print and online media. Mapping out topics you can speak to will ensure you never miss an editorial opportunity to share your story with journalists.




Social Media Influencer Agreement

Working on a collaboration for your brand with a social media influencer? Ensure your collaboration is all buttoned up with our influencer marketing agreement to specify the medium, types and quantity of content, timing, ownership, approval process and more. Download our social media influencer agreement template to get started.




Website Audit Checklist

Websites are the modern-day storefront for businesses. Ensure yours stands above the rest with our website audit checklist and template.




2024/2025 Social Media Content Calendar Template

So many channels and no idea where to start? We got you. Download our sample content calendar to help you organize and plan your content in advance.




Professional Bio Template

Discover the essence of a compelling professional bio! Our download provides a concise overview of what a professional bio entails – from education to achievements. Plus, get a bonus example to guide you in crafting your own impactful narrative. Elevate your personal brand today – download now!




Boilerplate Template

Download our boilerplate template to give your small business a professional edge. A boilerplate is a standardized, brief statement about your company, often included at the end of a press release. It covers key information like your mission, history, and core products or services. This template ensures consistency in your communications and saves you time, making it an essential tool for your business.